Corporate Philosophy
Reading about corporate philosophy might be something you’re tempted to overlook. Be assured, however, that it is vitally important. It determines what type of relationship you will have with your financial partner. In large part, it is what distinguishes Dry Associates from other financial institutions.
Our philosophy is based on Service, Competence and Integrity.
Every Dry Associates’ Client is assigned an Investment Executive. They provide front line personalized service. Whenever required, they have access to a wide range of specialized skills and expertise available within Dry Associates. First of all, however, it is their duty to understand a Client’s personal or financial objectives. Only then can they be in a position to prepare a plan on how to achieve these objectives. Implementation of these plans is best achieved after discussion and commitment to a written plan.

Integrity is our most carefully guarded asset. Only a scrupulous commitment to personal integrity by Dry Associates and every Investment Executive will allow trust to be the cornerstone of the Client – Investment Executive relationship.
All the other principles are nothing without competence. Competence is obtaining and applying exceptional financial skills and expertise in servicing every Dry Associates Client. All Investment Executives at Dry Associates, in additional to undergraduate and often graduate education, have gone through training at Dry Associates to prepare them for dealing with Clients’ varied requirements. This training covers best practice in a wide range of financial subjects – from foreign exchange trading to offshore investment to estate planning. Competence, however, also requires recognizing when additional specialized expertise is required. Dry Associates works with many professionals, including trustees, public accountants, outside legal counsel, and others to whom Clients will be referred where appropriate.