Dry Associates can also raise equity finance for companies within Kenya and the East African region.

For companies looking to list on the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Dry Associates was certified in 2012 as a NOMAD – which means that the company has been approved as a nominated advisor to list companies on the Growth Enterprise Market Segment (GEMS) of the NSE. Dry Associates will guide companies through admission to the GEMS from the Listing Statement through listing by IPO or listing by introduction. Overall, activity on the GEMS board has increased recently with about 3 listings in 2014. For a full listing of pre and post-advisory services performed by Dry Associates, please contact our offices.
For companies looking for private equity, Dry Associates can raise the equity finance through its extensive network of high net worth individuals, corporate investors and/or private equity partners. Dry Associates will manage the entire private equity process from sourcing of investors, through working with you to enhance the value of your company, to the planned exiting of investors in the case of private equity partners. For a full listing of the services provided by Dry Associates, please contact our offices.
We, at Dry Associates look forward to partnering with you to provide the equity financing your company needs to take it to the next level. Please do not hesitate to contact our highly professional and experienced team.
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